Photographer Martin Wilson, upon receiving his first camera at age 8, was given sage and ultimately prophetic advice by his father, “make every picture count.”  Wilson has been following his advice ever since.  His work is created frame by frame on 35mm film, a painstaking process whereby every frame from the roll is on display and every image has been shot in sequence.  The film is developed, scanned, and then pieced together digitally to make a large contact sheet.  Ultimately the contact sheet becomes the final piece of artwork.  He does not post process the film or digitally manipulate the images beyond arranging them side by side.  He calls the works “records of real journeys, the visual remnants of hours walking or cycling round town, bringing to life unheard of voices of the city.”  Martin Wilson is currently on exhibit at the London Tap Gallery in Altrincham, Cheshire.

My Burden is Light by Martin Wilson

Modern Art by Martin Wilson

Red Letter Days by Martin Wilson

Message from the Bears by Martin Wilson

Look Both Ways by Martin Wilson

For more information about purchasing the work, visit the artist’s website.

-Jayme Catalano